Monday 22 March 2010

Love life advice

If you run out of human possibilities, you need to get proactive. Neigh!

Apologies to for picking on it twice in one week. I couldn't resist...

Just to clarify, this is Charlotte Martin, who is looking for a farmer to love. Not a horse. Read all about it.


  1. Self-Wrighteous22 March 2010 at 15:30

    HAZEL-EYED QUADRUPED seeks similar for fun times, a few jumps and possible (un)dressage. Must have own bridle and GSOH.

  2. HEQ, you sound like just my kind of girl! So, fancy some oats?


Fellow lost souls

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Why did I turn out such a pedant? Well you'd have to ask my TV-banning, lentil-baking, library-enforcing, doctor-eschewing, beanbag-sitting, grammar-correcting, homeopathic, 2nd dan black belt, all-round no-nonsense mother. 'Cos me, I got no idea.