Friday 19 March 2010

Telegraph gets sexy with science!

Ah, the Hardon Collider!

(I saw it on Twitter, so it must be true)


  1. That's hilarious!

  2. Someone will be very red faced about that little gaff ...

  3. Vice Chancellor19 March 2010 at 23:45

    That's really unfair . . . surely there's no better device for exploring the big bang than a hardon collider? I'll never be able to think about it in the same light again lol. If you haven't already done so, you should send it to Private Eye.

    PS Stefmez: you hook a fish out of water with a gaff. A hardon collider is obviously a necessary bit of scientific kit but it is also, in this instance, a gaffe.

  4. Oh Vice Chancellor... Correcting my mother's English? You know not what you do!

  5. Vice Chancellor20 March 2010 at 23:12

    Guess I won't be getting an invite to her gaff for a cup of tea then . . .


    Besides, if she turned off the footy and insisted on baking lentils instead I'm not sure I'd want to go.

    That's me in deep enough already I think! Especially given the black belt you mention. The only thing that I have that's black is a pair of shoes.

  6. Now I know who you are! Elton John? No... Boy George! No... neither of them would own a pair of black shoes...

  7. Vice Chancellor27 March 2010 at 01:09

    Your Mum hasn't got back to me yet (English breakfast tea is fine with me) but I suspect I'm still not off the hook . . . or the gaff in this instance.

    Elton John or Boy George. Thanks very much. Remind me to repay the favour some time.

    I actually find the horse more attractive . . .

  8. Be warned, if she invites you for tea it will be with the dinnertime meaning - and you will be it!

    "I actually find the horse more attractive.."

    What an ambiguous statement. More attractive than its accompanying lady? More attractive than Boy George? More attractive than tea invitations?

    However, I have deduced one thing. You are definitely from the countryside.


Fellow lost souls

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Why did I turn out such a pedant? Well you'd have to ask my TV-banning, lentil-baking, library-enforcing, doctor-eschewing, beanbag-sitting, grammar-correcting, homeopathic, 2nd dan black belt, all-round no-nonsense mother. 'Cos me, I got no idea.